Every once in a while, searching for exotic new travel destinations, Google presents me ‘spontaneously’ with pictures of the 10 largest sinkholes in the world. A sinkhole is a really really deep hole in the earth, bottom ocean floor never discovered type of hole. Once you are in….there is no way out. Lost.
While navigating these deep blue sinkholes, my thoughts wandered off to my friend who is actively searching for a job and posting his resume on every company career page. His own candidate upload sinkhole so to speak. He told me he created so many career login pages for himself, applied for many LinkedIn jobs and hardly heard anything back from his uploading adventures. Which triggers me to wonder if there is anything at the bottom of that sinkhole staring back at us?
Probably a recruiter fishing for qualified candidates and wondering the same thing, are there any suitable candidates at the other end?
At Cammio we meet recruiters from all different industries and those insiders continuously share with me that their main challenge is to find good candidates first.
Huh? I thought with all that new technology, plugins, scrapers, and database automation we would be able to locate candidates much easier. After all, we are all in that same sinkhole, just the other end of it (which one you decide).
How come in a world where we connect online in more ways than ever before, the best matches between candidate and employer are still made outside all this technology. A chance meeting, a warm introduction, an old colleague. How many candidates went cold into the upload sinkhole, and actually felt they were a very good fit for that job but never heard anything back? The recruiter, on the other end of the sinkhole, receives all these uploads and is struggling to make sense of all those CV’s. After 10 or 20 CV’s we make a shortlist and probably park the rest. How many good candidates did you actually miss out on just now?
We may pretend to be advanced but in fact we still judge candidates based on same old conventional methods; what they did in the past. Why not see what they can do in the future?
Instead of asking candidates to continue to dump, sorry upload, more of the same CV’s with the same information in that sinkhole, recruit candidates with a motivational video. One that will come as close as possible to who they really are, what they really can and what they really want. Let them shine and go beyond the written CV.
Candidate too old? No way, look at the energy she displays. From abroad? Just Listen how he has learned to articulate himself. Job hopper? No way, this person knows what they want and experiment in getting experience.
Not the right industry experience? Just hear this person tell you how they would accelerate your business. You would be surprised.
Hey, did we just find more candidates for you?
With an up close and personal view of a candidate through video recruitment, you can broaden your view of candidates. If it is so difficult to find candidates, perhaps we should not reject so easily based on their submitted written information only.
At Cammio we meet many recruiters and discuss exactly that; how video can help in getting better candidates at your table.