Let’s put it this way. You are a recruiter. You receive hundreds of applications per vacancy. You have an ATS that does the “dirty job” of screening applicants for you on the first place. You invite people to a phone interview. Scheduling is a nightmare, you end up talking to many voicemails and people saying they can’t talk at that moment, but finally you speak to them. You select candidates based on 15-20 minutes conversation on the phone with them. You invite some for a face to face interview.
Then you get the surprises… In 20 % of the cases, you know that they are not a good match for that job in the first 3 minutes of conversation. So you wasted time, a lot of your valuable time. If you are lucky enough, you may find the right person in one of the other interviews. If not, you start the process again from the beginning hoping that this is the time it will work.
Now. Let’s imagine that someone comes to you and tells you: “I can help you to personally meet each applicant that your ATS delivers after the screening phase and assure you that this will take significant less time than what you are currently spending in your recruiting process”
What would you say? ” That would be awesome! Great! Wonderful! Can’t wait! Tell me how!!!
The answer is simple. That’s basically what a good video interview solution will bring as a result to your organisation. Why?
As summary, if you are not using video interviews in your recruitment process, you are wasting time, money, and even worse, you are wasting Talent.