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Recruitment Technology for an Impatient Generation

In this era of instant gratification, we expect same- or next-day deliveries after buying online, we can retrieve any information on Google immediately with a simple search query, and can communicate in real-time with almost anyone in the world. Most studies focus on the Millennial as being the ultimate embodiment of generation impatient, but that’s just not the case. Anyone, in any generation, and almost anywhere in the developed world, is part of this generation. Don’t be fooled to believe that only the young amongst us are increasingly impatient. We all are!


How to recruit generation impatient?

What does this mean for recruitment technology? Let’s look at some of the obvious and not so obvious in a top-3 list:

#1: Application forms

Your application form needs to be short and fast. If you require the applicant to register, create a login/password and then redirect to a form that takes 30 minutes to complete, you will lose your applicant and make a very bad first impression. Instead, try to ask as little as possible and even try to do it dialogue-based. Just like your WhatsApp messages would be short and broken down in multiple messages when you have a lot to say. I would not be surprised if the traditional form is gone not too long from now and we just answer questions from a chat-bot, which also is able to respond to applicants’ questions.

NOTE: I didn’t think I needed to remind anyone on a mobile-friendly, or even mobile first application form, right? If you cannot offer this now, your recruitment may be beyond saving. I’m sorry!

#2: Transparency

When shopping online, I can read reviews, receive recommendations based on my purchase, see what’s in stock and how long it takes to get it from stock to my wardrobe. When ordering an UBER, I see if a taxi is available, I can choose quality options and see the exact route from the current location of the driver to the pick-up destination. Now let’s look at a typical job application… I am not sure how long the vacancy has been open for or when it will close. I can’t see how many people applied. I am also not sure what the selection process entails, nor do I know what the selection criteria are. Usually I am moving from black hole to black hole in the process with no communication at all. An interested applicant is soon disillusioned by a total lack of engagement. Not so good for generation impatient, who need transparency!

#3: Interviews and scheduling

Let’s face it. The entire point of the application is to get face-time with the recruiter, hiring manager or whoever is responsible for making life-changing gut-decisions on the right hire. Until the moment of the interview, people mostly feel that they are not in control. When they are invited, they feel lucky. Now it’s up to them. It’s their moment to shine or not, but at least it is something they feel they can influence. Most people do not reach this stage. Why not give more control to the candidate over their own success, let them skip the selection process and go to the interview right away, allowing them to record a video pitch? And if you don’t have that many qualified candidates, let them self-qualify with a simple test and then schedule an online video interview based on your availability, just as I would select the right delivery time for my online purchase. The technology is available and can be used now.
Take a tour to see how Cammio can help you reach the impatient generation

I have to confess that I am a proud member of generation impatient. My attention span quickly drops if I am not properly engaged with. I don’t have the stomach for a 2-hour online e-assessment, and I am not willing to wait 2 weeks for an answer on anything. I remain curious though and want to learn, always. Let’s accept e-commerce as our teacher in recruiting and apply some simple learnings to ensure that we can attract, engage and hire generation impatient so that they can change our organisations from the inside.


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