Technological advancements are gradually changing the way we interact; Skype, Google Hangouts and Viber are setting the norm for social communication, and recording videos is becoming an integral part of how we experience the world. With people increasingly living their lives behind a camera lens, recruiters readily use video to connect to candidates remotely. But automated video platforms take interviews beyond a conversational level, making it possible to conduct accurate and extremely fair assessments to make sure that the best candidates are selected. Video interviews are not only a cost and time efficient way of screening candidates, but an accurate assessment tool in its own right.
When you think of it, an assessment is used to help take a candidate’s measures when it comes to personality, cultural fit, skills and motivational drivers, in order to determine whether or not a candidate is a good match with the role they are applying for. Video interviews are being used more frequently to assess a candidate match in a visual and engaging way. They have proven to be a reliable predictor of the quality of hire. So, here’s why they are the perfect assessment tool.
They are scripted & fair All interviews are identical from the recruiter’s side; all candidates get the same questions, in the same order, with the same level of engagement from the interviewer. This not only ensures a consistent selection procedure, but it guarantees equal chances and a fair process for the candidates.
They ensure objective rating The completed video interviews can be shared among multiple evaluators, thus reducing bias and increasing objectivity. Each answer can be individually rated and compared to the answers of other candidates on the same question. Ranking candidates is no longer dependent on the notes of the interviewers or on how well they remember the other candidates.
Now that we know that they meet the base criteria of an assessment, let’s look at some practical application areas.
The strength of video interviews derives from a unique combination of features that makes them a perfect assessment tool. Companies using video interviews want to ensure a consistent and positive candidate experience and seize the opportunity to introduce the candidates to the culture and atmosphere of their organization through video.
Language testing Companies with a strong international focus, hiring people from abroad and requiring fluency in multiple languages, use video interviews to assess language proficiency from the first step of the application process. For example, a renowned public institution that organizes bi-annual competitions to select employees from all European countries decided to introduce video interviews as a means of testing the candidate’s command of the French language. With automated video interviews, configured to start automatically after the questions are asked in order to prevent rehearsed answers, they can accurately assess the language proficiency of their candidates with less time and cost investment. As a result, the quality of the shortlisted candidates and their scores on the on-site language tests have improved significantly.
Cultural fit Employers that have a strong focus on company culture and wish to hire employees who share not only their values but also a passion for their industry are using video interviews to test for culture fit from the get-go. For example, a leading electronics company, specialized in music and sound equipment, uses video interviews to test their candidates’ knowledge of the music industry and their passion for recording artists. The automated interview is configured to simulate a conversation and the candidates are judged only on the breadth of their knowledge. Automating the screening process and using video to assess cultural fit has resulted in a better quality screening process and improved quality of hire.
Competency based interviews Many companies use competency, situational or behavioral based interview questions during their final selection rounds to get a clear picture of how their employees will perform on the job. The trouble here is that much time and effort is invested in determining which candidates make it to this final round and there is no guarantee that the remaining few really have what it takes. This is especially important for young hires and graduates whose CVs do not tell a compelling story. As a result, many graduate employers are now using automated video interviews to conduct behavioral and situational judgment tests. Introducing competency based interviews earlier in the selection process, without increasing the workload of the recruiters, allows companies to select the better candidates faster and gives young hires the opportunity to show their potential.
Given the increased structure, fairness and objectivity that video interviews offer, companies use video as an assessment tool, to score the candidates on teamwork, leadership, strategic thinking, communication skills, language skills, creativity, behavior and cultural fit. With increasing trends towards long and assiduous assessment processes on the one hand and a desire for speed and efficiency on the other, video interviewing brings together the best of both worlds, offering speed, accuracy and keen insight.
Happy hiring!