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Implementing HR Technology: 4 Tips for Success

HR Technology is booming. According to Deloitte and Bloomberg, the entire HR software market is now worth over 15 billion dollars. With companies looking for solutions to transform their talent strategies, more and more employers are spending a considerable part of their budget on new technology. Almost 60% of organizations plan to roll out new HR software within their company in the next 18 months (Bersin by Deloitte). At the same time, the distance between technical promise and actual results can be a tricky gap to close when the change is not introduced correctly. Even the best systems won’t deliver if not adopted and used by the team.

Here are 4 tips on how to manage your HR technology implementation and ensure successful team adoption.

#1 Communicate, communicate, communicate

People can’t embrace what they don’t understand. For change to be successful, people need to be aware of the reasons for, and the urgency around the need for change. Many companies tend to focus almost entirely on the technical aspects of the change, while the people aspect and what it means to them is equally, or perhaps even more, important. Why is the current situation undesirable and how will the new technology help? What are the intended benefits for the department or organization overall – but also, what will it do for people’s day-to-day work?

#2 Create a change team

Create a group of ambassadors who already ‚bough into‘ the change and are motivated to start using the new technology. Having a group of ’supporters‘ that are committed to the cause and believe in the benefits of the new technology can help you test the new system, build your software business case, and in the end drive adoption across the team/organization. Make sure you harness this group’s positivity by involving them in the implementation process and provide them with information and skills to start using the system while engaging others along the way.

#3 Choose your provider wisely

When selecting a technology provider, you will obviously look for a system that meets your needs from a technical point of view. At the same time, a vendor can (and should) also play an important role in supporting you with the software implementation and on-boarding process. They are, after all, the experts when it comes to implementing their solution successfully. How is the vendor dealing with change and treating this crucial part of the process? Do they provide consultancy, training and supporting documentation to help you get your team up to speed? Is the vendor known to be service-orientated and pro-active, offering fast and flexible support? Make sure you work with an experienced, reputable vendor that not only will provide you with the best system possible, but also supports you in making your new technology a success.

#4 Implement in phases and build your case

Change is usually best received when it is implemented in phases. Starting with a pilot is often a good way to test the new technology and evaluate that works and doesn’t work for your company before fully embedding it across the entire organization. Set goals and use your pilot to build a software business case demonstrating why the change is needed and how the new technology is delivering real benefits for the company. Nothing motives more than success. Showcasing quick wins and giving people insights in the return on investment will help people to understand what they are going to get out of it and so ‚buy into’ what is happening and why.

A wise man once said, “it is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.“ In order to make your new technology work and maximise the benefits, proper change management is key. Organizations that invest time and energy in leading their implementation process in the right way will be able to minimize disruption and encourage faster and greater rates of adoption. Happy Hiring!


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