The tables have turned in talent acquisition creating a new reality in which candidates now recruit companies. Optimal engagement of your hiring manager can help you gain just the competitive advantage you need.
Candidates trust the company’s employees 3x more than recruiters on how it’s like working there.
90% of jobseekers want to talk to the future manager e.g. hiring manager, before they make a decision.
6 out of 10 organisations train their hiring managers to conduct job interviews.
14th of June | 11.30 am | LiveHow Talent Acquisition and hiring managers successfully attract more talent as a team
Hiring in a candidate-driven market means that processes need to become much more two dimensional.
Sandhna Chintoe shares strategic and practical tips on taking the relationship between hiring managers and TA teams to the next level.
Some tips to stop the common feud between TA teams and hiring managers.