On this page you’ll find everything you need to know to become a video recruitment expert. Happy Hiring!
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Only an admin user can create new users. Go to the “Account” tab and then press the “Recruiters” tab. Here you can find all the active recruiters and you can add new recruiters by pressing the green “Add” button.
You can extend the deadline in two ways. First, you can go into the “Invitation” tab. Press the “Action” button on the right side of the invitation to extend the deadline. Secondly, you can also extend the deadline by clicking on the candidate’s name and extend the deadline within the interface.
Go to the “Template” tab and click “Actions” on the right side of the template list. You will find the “Copy” functionality within the list of actions. Don’t forget to change the title of your copied template.
Are you seeing an ! instead of a play button? This means your video is still converting. Please wait approx. 5 mins and refresh the page. Soon you should be able to play the video.
Go to the “Interview” tab and click on the candidate’s name. Above the video you’ll find a “share video link” button. You can also export the interview to excel – you’ll find the button underneath the interview. Finally, you can also get share links from every interview from a template by exporting all interviews from a template level to excel.
Check out our tutorials on how to use Cammio step by step
Find all information and details you need to integrate Cammio with your ATS
The Academy helps you to make your (video) recruitment strategy better
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