European video recruitment provider, Cammio, provides The Netherlands Red Cross Society (Rode Kruis) with a free video-interviewing platform for the recruitment of volunteers for different humanitarian and fundraising projects.
The Netherlands Red Cross is an international humanitarian organization that helps, protects and takes care of people that are victims of war, conflict and disaster, and those who need assistance because of other circumstances. To provide this humanitarian aid, Red Cross benefits from dedicated volunteers throughout the country who make a vital contribution to the success of the organization. In support of their valuable work and good cause, Cammio provides Red Cross with a free video recruitment platform including mobile suite, question library and branding, to help them efficiently recruit these highly needed volunteers. The volunteers will help to set up different projects, aimed on providing humanitarian relief to vulnerable people at home and abroad.
The implementation of video in their recruitment process offers Red Cross a way to easily pre-screen a high volume of candidates, while saving time and valuable resources. Using automated video interviews, Red Cross is able to get a better first impression of their feature volunteers earlier in the process. Candidates have the chance to showcase their motivation and answer a pre-recorded set of questions using video. They are able to record their answers via desktop, tablet or mobile device, providing a modern and accessible process to engage with potential volunteers throughout the county.